Saturday, November 13, 2010

wheat and vomiting

ok, so over a month ago i read a section in my "what to expect when you're expecting" book about allergens. i kind of ignored it because it was talking about how if you had a peanut allergy then you should steer clear of peanuts while pregnant and nursing because if you eat that allergen your baby has a higher risk of having an allergy. i thought "i don't have and never have had any allergies, so let's move on". i have probably read that section twice since then and sort of skimmed it and forgot it.

today i was making my normal lunch (an apple and 2 rice cakes with melted cheese) and thinking about a comment that someone made to me about 2 weeks ago. this person said "lael, you're eating bread, i thought you only ate rice cakes?" i explained to that person that i do eat bread but prefer rice cakes because i had a wheat allergy for years and i grew accustom to having rice cakes instead of bread. as i was thinking about this today i realized I HAD AN ALLERGY!! lol. i am such an idiot. i called my mom and asked her a bunch of questions about this allergy of mine (i don't remember much about the symptoms because i was little. all i knew was that for years and years i couldn't eat wheat and as an adult i had issues with head aches when i would eat too much wheat). she told me that when i had a bunch of food introduced to me, fruit, veggies, meat and wheat, is when i started to get sick. they didn't know what was causing me to scream, cry and vomit at most meals. one day we were at a restaurant (i was under 2 years old at this point) and my mom gave me a piece of pizza crust to chew on and that was when i had a major attack. she didn't go into detail but i am imagining projectile vomit everywhere. yum yum. that was when my parents decided to take me off everything and introduce each food item slowly to figure out if it was wheat that was the issue. it was. from then until my late elementary years i only had rice cakes and rice bread, no form of wheat. i don't remember being allowed to eat wheat all of a sudden but apparently my parents slowly let me have small amounts of wheat until they could see that i was able to handle it.

so what does this mean? should i be cutting wheat out of my diet? honestly, my favourite meal lately is going to old spaghetti factory, ordering a bowl of minestrone soup (which has noodles in it) and eating lots of their free sourdough bread. AHHHHH. i am slightly panicking. i do NOT want our baby to have the allergy that i had (in part because i don't do vomit) or any allergy but i don't want to cut out wheat entirely if i don't need to. according to what i read it's more likely to pass allergies on while that is slightly good news but it still isn't a guarantee either way. another thing it says is that i might not pass on the same allergy as i have, but because i am an "allergic mother" my child could have an allergy to peanuts, dairy products or many other foods. ugh. i guess i'm a gonna have to ask my doctor about this one. sometimes i think too much reading actually makes me more paranoid.


  1. Lael, now a days pretty much everyone has an allergy to something. I wouldn't dwell on it at all. I have an allergy to alot of different fruits and Tyson has no known allergies yet. Those books try to scare you. If you want to eat something I say go for it and eat it. If the baby is going to have an allergy they will have it if you eat the stuff or not.

  2. ok. phew! good to know. thanks janine.

  3. I agree with Janine! Be at peace and follow the KISS principle, darling!

  4. hey! are you calling me stupid? haha jk.

  5. Haha, I like the "I don't do vomit." I think that's still going to happen, regardless of allergies. Good luck when you become a mother who has to "do" vomit!

  6. i know i will have to "do" vomit at some point. spit up is fine, doesn't bother me. but vomiting with every meal....not cool and i don't think i will be able to "do" that. i know a lady who never had to change a soiled diaper. she knew she would have a hard time with it and her kids never once had a bowel movement unless her husband was home. maybe i will be so lucky with the vomiting. ;)

  7. you can be that lucky :)
    Derek was a janitor for 10 years and so he has cleaned up alot of crapola and is pretty immune to anything body fluid, where as i am NOT...shiver.

    so when the kids get all barfy, he is usually the one to handle it or else there will be barfy kid & barfy mother in the house. i think from all the pregnancies, having a sensitive stomach has just made me much less likely to be the one to handle those situations and he just does it. Thank you Lord for my awesome husband!!!
